Albums For Love; Bluesette Miller & Mary Luce


Norman F****** Rockwell! (Lana Del Rey)

The songs in this album are slow, moody, and bittersweet. This album is an ethereal and raw collection of songs reminiscent of love, loss, and the female spirit. The female vocals and lyrics evoke the feeling of effortless loss and a dreamy persona. Here, LDR is not self-pitting or longing, more so reflective, introspective, and contemplative.

“Strangeways, Here We Come” (The Smiths)

The last album that The Smiths put out was very Morrissy centered, giving the album a playful and egotistical feel. Because Morrissy was so front and center, these songs showcase his loneliness and scaracsm. Girlfriend In a Coma is bittersweet and careless despite the serious subject, this song is almost jangle pop sounding. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me is one of the more depressing, slow, and pessimistic songs here, and clearly shows Morrissy’s self-pity and wallowing.


Double Fantasy (John Lennon)

It is so obvious to see how happy John was with his life in 1980 with all his love songs about Yoko and all her love songs about John. This album is upbeat, romantic, and warm. With this, there’s not much left to say- only how in every song it's plain to see how perfectly happy they were and didn’t give a damn what anyone thought.

Please Please Me (Beatles)

The first Beatles album is a perfect example of 60s pop music. The Beatles first album is made up of playful songs with John and Pauls iconic vocals. Although some of the song's subjects are less optimistic (Misery, Anna), the upbeat melodies and harmonies keep it light. This album is a great example of just really well done love songs. 


Queens of Noise (The Runaways)

From the 70s came the rise of glam rock and the iconic face of the genre, David Bowie. From this out came The Runaways, the first (successful and mainstream) all girl hard rock group. The Runaways were four teenage girls putting out a killer hard rock album in 1977. With Bowie, glam rock, and feminism in mind, this album is nothing but hard-core female empowerment by taking control of their sexuality. The lyric “Queens of noise, not just one of your toys…” is a perfect example of five teenage girls discovering their power and angst against the male dominated music industry.